Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Ten on Tuesday

Provided and hosted by Chelsea

1. Do you wear glasses, contacts, or are you one of those perfect eyed people?
I wear contacts.  I've worn glasses and/or contacts since the 5th grade.

2. What is the next item you are going to purchase?
Well we just bought several things off the black Friday/cyber Monday deals so probably nothing outside of Christmas presents.

3. Have you ever watched Judge Judy or any other real court show?
Yes as in I've seen a show or two, I've never been an avid viewer.  I don't really care for crime related shows, reality or otherwise.

4. How do you feel about fake nails?
I think they can be really pretty or super tacky.  I used to get my nails done but then I realized how much it costs and decided it's not worth it unless for a very special event - like my sisters wedding.

5. What is your favorite sport to watch?
Gymnastics.  I was in competitive gymnastics for much of my elementary/junior high years.  It's fun to watch how talented the girls are. They're amazing.

6. If you could create your own Ben & Jerry’s ice cream flavor, what would it be and what would it be named?
It would be called Princess Pony and it would be pink and taste like a strawberry starburst.   The Princess Pony because of this, and the strawberry starburst because that's just about the best flavor of candy ever!

(Btw - my princess ponies are kicking butt and taking names)

7. Do you have any scars?
Yes several.  Scrapped knees, cuts on my hand, a chest tube, stretch marks - do stretch marks count?  I think so. . . battle wounds!

8. Does your pet’s name fit them? Is there a more appropriate name?
I don't have a pet (sad face. . ahem. . . husband) but I once had a fish named Rocky.  I think it fit him, he was very calm. . . you know. . . for a fish.

9. What is your favorite television show theme song?
Um. . . my least favorite is CSI: Miami. . . my favorite would probably be How I Met Your Mother - I know all the words. ;)

10. What was your favorite activity on the playground?
Probably the monkey bars/jungle gym - see #5

Complimentary Pic of the Post 
 Baby Comb-over!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thankful on Thursday

Well it IS Thanksgiving so of course I'm going to be thankful on Thursday.  Everyone on Facebook is posting one thing a day they are thankful for and I could definitely list 30 things I'm thankful for, but I'm just going to write an overview because 30 things might begin to bore you.

1. For my wonderful little family.  Curtis, Micah and myself - we are a good fit!  Boy am I one lucky gal!

2. An amazing husband who works so diligently to provide for his family and loves us unconditionally. 

3. A spectacular little boy who I cannot believe is ours.  Micah is truly a miracle and he amazes me every day.

4. Parents and siblings - we have the most wonderful, loving, supportive group of people surrounding us and loving us daily!

5. Salvation - I cannot explain the joy and peace that comes with knowing that THE God of everything has forgiven me of my messed up life and loves me enough to let me into His kingdom.  Just WOW. And I'm thankful that I get to see my grandpa there - I really miss him!

6.  Provision - We are so blessed with our home, cars, material things, food on the table, bills paid, etc.  I thank God daily.

7.  The little and big things that make up life.  I try to be thankful in the trials but I am always thankful for God getting us through the trails!

I hope you have a very Happy Thanksgiving with your friends and family. 

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Ten on Tuesday

This weeks questions are provided by Lauren from Texas and hosted by Chelsea.

1. What are your pantry staples?
Beef broth and chicken broth. . . Oh and Corn of course! 

2. What are your refrigerator staples?
Milk and Tea. 

3. You already look like Heidi Klum (or your favorite supermodel). Now, what are the top three non-physical things you would change about yourself?
My tendency to procrastinate, self-doubt, and my lack of being able to effectively handle conflict/confrontation. 

4. What’s holding you back from your dream job? (If you already have your dream job, how did you get there?)
I'm not sure how to answer this.  I'm not sure I know what my "dream job" is.  At this point, it's always been my dream to be a mom and now I'm Micah's mom and it's truly the best thing I've ever done. I'm not just being cheesy. 

5. You have $500 to spend but it has to be on one item only. Go.
I'd splurge on an accessory.  A purse, shoes, an outfit. . . anything I can wear! (you know, to change diapers in) 

6. What is something that you are embarrassed to admit you buy on a regular basis?
Funions, chocolate milk, candy bars, etc.  ;) 

7. What’s in/on your bed every night?
Me and my husband and an extra blanket.  I'm always cold. 

8. What is a non-necessity item that, no matter how expensive it gets or how tight your budget if, you will always find room for it?
Well I'm not sure makeup is a non-necessity but I'll always buy my expensive brand of foundation and powder.  I've tried all the over the counter brands and I don't like them. 

9. What is the weirdest sandwich you’ve ever made?
Um. . . I tried peanut butter and bananas once - not so good.  

10. Would you rather: Be banned from Pinterest forever, but gain a million captive Twitter followers; or, never get on Facebook again but gain five thousand blog readers?
Be banned from Facebook but have five thousand blog readers.  But if that happened my blog would have to be more interesting.  At least I have pics of Micah.  ;)

Complimentary Pic of the Post

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Remember This?

Well now we've moved on to this!

My how things change!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Micah's New Toy

We recently broke out the Baby Einstein Jumper thing-a-ma-jig and put Micah in it.  The first few times he kind of just sat there but he's kinda getting into it.  He's learning to press the buttons and even turned around in it a few days ago.  Like I said, he was just sitting there before.  If I put him in it now and he doesn't feel like playing he just slouches over and chews on the edge of the seat.  I hope he figures out he can jump soon - that would be so cute!

Check it out!

It's funny because that's really the first time he was making the music play.  :)

P.S.  Before you report me, I have since put the plastic covers on the outlets, even though he can't reach them yet.  So I am a good mommy, I promise.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

New Wreaths Posted

I've posted two new wreaths in my Etsy store!  I'm loving making my wreaths and I'm working on a green and gold one right now.  I just sold the red and green Christmas wreath - which is so cool!

The blue and silver one is so beautiful! It has two bells on it and several specialty ornaments, bought just for this wreath.  Check it out at http://www.etsy.com/listing/85138479/ice-ice-blue-ornament-wreath.

The purple and silver one is awesome too!  This one has some glittery ornaments on it which make it so sparkly.  I love all the different shades of purple.  You can check out more pics at: http://www.etsy.com/listing/85137744/purple-and-silver-ornament-wreath.

Spread the word!  Pass it along!

xoxo - Stef

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Just TOO Cute

No words! 

You will fall in love with me!

How do you like me now?!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Micah is 4 Months Old

I'm about a week late on this post but a lot has happened in Micah's 4th month of life.  We just went to the Dr. on Monday and Micah is now 13lbs and 15oz (29%) and he is 24.63" tall (37%) and his head size is in the 81 percentile.  He got a good report from the doctor and three more vaccines.  His poor little legs are still red. :(

This month we went to Beaumont to the church my dad pastors and had a dedication ceremony for Micah.  It was a very special time with friends and family and it was important for us to thank God for this amazing gift he has given us.  We are just so thankful for Micah and he really is an answer to our prayers. 

Micah also got to hang out with his new friend Asher while we were there.  They are only a few days apart and their mommies are great friends!  They better learn to get along but so far it looks promising.

Micah has gotten very verbal lately.  I think he may be a little shy though because when we're home during the day he is very loud and talkative but when people come over he gets pretty quiet.  He also shuts up when I pull the camera out too.

He's gotten pretty great at rolling over from his front to his back.  When he's laying on his back he can roll from side to side but he hasn't rolled from back to front yet.  But he has found his feet and loves to grab them and chew on them.

We've been working on sitting in the bumbo more often.  He likes it ok.  He kind of just sits there or tries to get out.  But at least he doesn't cry anymore.  He can sit up with some assistance but is getting better at sitting against things like the couch.  I wonder if he'll be sitting on his own by next month - we'll see.

Here is a picture of Micah smiling at daddy. Just because it's cute.

My sister and I took Micah to the pumpkin patch to take pictures are here are a few.

He's not so into the pumpkin patch

He did try to eat the hay and the pumpkin

He's still not so sure about this

This month it also got cold (for like a day) and I may have over dressed him a bit.

Mom, Is this really necessary?!

We had a lot going on in October and it turned out to be a great 4th month for our little man.  He's getting so responsive and loves to smile and talk.  He's really so fun right now.  I can't wait to see what else this little boy has in store!  Now, on to November!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Ten on Tuesday

Hey Ya'll.  What happened to October?!  I can't believe how quickly it went by.  I hope to be updating you very soon of all my happenings.  For now, I wanted to share this weeks Ten on Tuesday with you, provided by Chelsea of course.

1. What is your favorite month?
November.  I love the fall and my hubby and I were married in November.  In Texas, November is the perfect month.  It finally gets cooler but usually not too cold yet.

2. What is the best candy to get while trick or treating?
Anything chocolate.  Three Musketeers!

3. What kind of pen do you use?
I dunno but I love it.  It's a specific pen and I know what it looks like. 

4. You go to a new Italian restaurant, what is your go-to order?
Anything!  I love Italian food.  Baked ziti or chicken alfredo or even spaghetti.

5. If you could choose to have any celebrity’s hair, who’s would you choose?
I always think Carrie Underwood has pretty hair.  Sometimes a little big - but pretty!

6. What’s your favorite board game?
I'm not sure. . . Chutes and Ladders?!  I know my least favorite board game is Monopoly.  It takes way too long and I always loose so. . . it's not fun!

7. Do you know how to play poker?
Yes I do.

8. What do you think about Old Navy commercials?
Absolutely. . . hate them!  Who IS the head of their marketing?! I'd like a word.

9. What hurts worse - a stubbed toe or a paper cut?
Stubbed toe.  Remember when you were little and you'd ride your bike without shoes and then as you're pedaling you'd scrap your big toe on the cement?!  No?!  Just me? Yeah that hurts.

10. What’s your favorite kind of pie?
Chocolate, Apple, Banana Cream. . . I love THIS pie!  Just not cherry pie - eww!

P.S. Complimentary Pic of the Post

 Micah says, "BOO"