Thursday, April 14, 2011

Dance Your Shoes Off

On April 10th, our church hosted "Dance Your Shoes Off" at Discovery Green.  According to our website. . .  "The purpose of Dance Your Shoes Off! was to proclaim the resurrection of Jesus Christ in a powerful and celebratory way. Most importantly, each participant left a new pair of shoes on the field for those in need. These shoes will be given to mission agencies, including Star of Hope, as well as distributed to those on mission trips with the church this next year."

Check out the video!  It's pretty cool to see that many people doing a coordinated dance.  It's also really cool that they donated that many shoes!


  1. We were actually there! Me and Ro and another couple from the church had lunch downtown after church, and moseyed over to Discovery Green afterward (just because it's such a gorgeous park). It was a very cool spectacle!!

  2. Awesome! It would have been cool to be there!
