Tuesday, January 3, 2012

It's A New Year

Happy 2012.  I'm still alive if you're wondering why I haven't posted in awhile; but I've had a lot going on.  Anyway, like every year, I've made a few goals for 2012.  One of them is to start the 365 project.  You take a picture every day and post it in a gallery.  I think it's a cool idea to document your life for a year and also to make yourself a better photographer - which is one of my goals.  I'm also taking a photography class in February, which I'm very excited about.

So. . . 3 days into the new year I'm, in fact, keeping up with my 365 project.  This pic is called "Green beans are super gross".

2/365 on 365 Project

You can keep up with my pictures at: http://365project.org/stefstall/365.

Happy New Year to You!!!

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